Welcome to the Careers Department
At Castle Hall Academy our key aim is to ensure that we take an 11-16 approach to our provision of CEIAG so that students begin to develop a real understanding, even at an early age, of careers. We educate on work-related information that develops their sense of enquiry not only about careers and higher/further education but also about their individual skills and aptitudes.
Key Contacts
Miss M. Griffiths (Careers Lead) Email: mgriffiths@castlehall.com
Mrs S Jefferson (Senior Leadership Team Link) Email: sjefferson@castlehall.com
Eleanor Chamberlain (C&K Careers Advisor) Email: echamberlain@castlehall.com
At Key Stage 3, this builds up to prepare students for their options choices in Year 9 as they enter the 14-16 phase of their education. From Key Stage 4 CEIAG focuses on preparing students for life after the Academy in terms of career decisions and future employment and learning opportunities.
In 2014 the Gatsby Report made a major contribution to our understanding of what constitutes “quality” in Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) in secondary schools in England. As a result, 8 benchmarks of good practice were drawn up that identify the elements of good careers guidance.
Gatsby Benchmarks:
A stable careers programme
Learning from career and labour market information
Addressing the needs of each pupil
Linking curriculum learning to careers
Encounters with employers and employees
Experiences of workplaces
Encounters with further and higher education
Personal Guidance
At Castle Hall Academy we integrate personal careers guidance with a well-planned programme of carers education, including encounters with employers and education providers. By doing this we meet the Gatsby Benchmarks and prepare students well for future earning and the world of work.
Independent and Impartial Careers Advice
The Careers Advisor at Castle Hall Academy is Eleanor Chamberlain. Eleanor is a Level 6 qualified careers advisor employed by C&K Careers (the local careers service). She works in the Academy for 2.5 days a week. Eleanor offers impartial careers advice, information and guidance to pupils from Year 7 upwards. She can discuss with students their career aspirations, job ideas, Post 16 option choices including college, 6th form, apprenticeships and training and qualifications offer at post 16 and beyond.
All Year 11 students are offered at least one careers guidance appointment with Eleanor in school and all students can call into the careers room to speak to her or email her for further advice as needed. Eleanor offers lunchtime drop-in sessions for all students on the days she is in school. She also attends parents’ evenings and other key careers events in school. Eleanor will support Year 11 students with applications to college through the online Kirklees e-prospectus Get Into.
Year 11 students will receive a username and password for this system and be shown how to use it at the beginning of the academic year. All Year 11 students should apply to local colleges using this system.
Parents are welcome to contact Eleanor to discuss their son/daughters’ plans or if they have any questions about college applications. Eleanor can be contacted in school on 01924 520500 or via the email detailed above.
C+K Chat Service
If you are a young person living in Calderdale or Kirklees and need careers information, advice and guidance but are unable to get in touch with your C+K careers adviser in school, you can also talk to a C+K adviser via the C+K Chat service. Advisers can help with your next steps including:
- choosing subjects in Year 8 or Year 9
- exploring post-16 or post-18 options
- applications to sixth form or college
- applications for jobs and apprenticeships
- writing a CV
- information about different courses, careers and qualifications.
You can contact a C+K careers adviser via the Chat service, Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm. There are lots of ways to contact the Chat service:
- call: 01484 213856
- email: chat@ckcareers.org.uk
- or use our Facebook messenger service: www.facebook.com/CKCareers