Welcome to Castle Hall Academy.
At Castle Hall we work hard every day to deliver academic
excellence, develop character and raise aspirations in everything
we do. We have high expectations of students and teachers and
strive to become better every day creating exceptional learners.
Learning is the most important thing that happens in the
academy and our exceptional classroom culture is key to
supporting exceptional learning at Castle Hall.
The students gain a high quality, personalised learning
experience, where they’re known by name to all adults and their
needs and preferences are known and met. Safeguarding and
promoting the welfare of our students is paramount.
We encourage everyone to try new things and make the most of
every opportunity afforded to them.
We embrace creativity as we believe this improves learning,
communication, engagement, confidence and enjoyment of
We value our parents and families and make every effort to
include them in the full life of the academy.
Ultimately, choosing Castle Hall is wanting your child to get the
very best qualifications and outcomes that secure their future;
it is enabling your child to develop into a well-rounded young
adult capable of being successful
in whatever they choose to do;
and it is a choice to enable your
child to aspire to be the best they
can be and to know how to
navigate the ever-changing
wider world with confidence

Academic Excellence
At Castle Hall Academy we believe that all students deserve access to a worldclass education.
To deliver this, we have a broad, balanced and sequenced five-year curriculum,
which values knowledge retention and application building upon individual
starting points that enables ambitious endpoints for all. Everyone in the
Academy make sure that all students acquire knowledge and skills to achieve
the vision, enabling success at the Academy and beyond.
Key Stage 3
Students in Key Stage 3 study English, Mathematics, Science, History,
Geography, Religious Education, Design & Technology, Spanish, Music, Art &
Design, Physical Education, Information & Communication Technology and
Personal Development Education. Additional support and alternative provision
is provided for those students who may need it in order to ensure good or
better progress is made by all.
Key Stage 4
Students in Key Stage 4 study the following core subjects:
• English
• Mathematics
• Science
• Physical Education (PE)
• Personal Development
In addition to this students can select to specialise in following subjects:
History, Geography, Religious Studies, Business Studies, Information
Communication Technology, Physical Education, Spanish, Art & Design,
Photography, Food Technology, Health & Social Care, Music.

Developing Character
The academy supports opportunities for all students to develop their character and aspirations. It equips students to be safe, healthy and prepared for the next stages of their life. Our students are tolerant of others, celebrate diversity and are prepared to be modern British citizens. The Personal Development programme at Key Stage 3 and 4 ensures that all students are healthy, confident and safe young people.
Our Personal Development Curriculum develops students ability to be
healthy, safe and confident
Raising Aspirations
We ensure that our students are ready to enter the professional marketplace.
The Academy has links with several further and higher education establishments to expose students to a world beyond Castle Hall.
Through a high-quality Careers advice and guidance programme alongside regular external speaker visitors, mock interviews and careers fairs, our students dream big and we help them to achieve this.

IMPACT Education Multi-Academy Trust
Impact is a values driven organisation with the belief that
collaborative leadership and strong partnership
development can lead to significant positive impact on
the quality of education. We believe that this can happen
without schools losing their own identity.
We are an organisation where Hearts and Minds Connect
and have developed a culture and ethos that ensures
children and young people achieve the very best
outcomes whilst developing a life-long love of learning.
We have high expectations academically but we also place
a great emphasis on positive attitudes to learning and
building effective relationships with others. Our children
and young people are encouraged to develop themselves
as fully rounded, emotionally intelligent individuals. Our
people are highly valued and encouraged to take
advantage of the wealth of developmental opportunities
across the Trust.
Mick Kay, CEO, Impact Education Multi-Academy Trust
Impact Education Multi Academy Trust is on a mission to
improve the life chances of children and young people