Head of Year
Mrs L Bonham
Contact Details:
Email: lbonham@castlehall.com (allow 24hrs for response)
Mobile: 07708795385
It is important that we have up to date information for your child. Please inform the Academy of any changes to your contact details. Your main point of contact is your child’s Head of Year. The Head of Year team spend the day with their year groups in lessons, at break and lunch, they also supervise after-school detentions and support extra-curricular. Please bear with them when making contact.
At Castle Hall Academy we recognise the importance of regular attendance and punctuality. Heads of Year work in close partnership with parents and carers to ensure each child attends regularly.
Student Unplanned Absence
Contact the academy from 7.00am and before 8:00am, to explain the reason for the absence tel: 01924 520500 and select option 2 or email StudentAbsence@castlehall.com
Student Planned Absence
Attending a medical or dental appointment will be counted as authorised as long as the student’s parent/carer notifies the academy in advance of the appointment. Parents/carers should inform the academy in advance of any hospital appointment unavoidably scheduled during school time via the ‘Request for Medical Leave of Absence’ form which is available from the Attendance Officer, Mrs Toth, jtoth@castlehall.com
School Day