Miss R Ward
SEND Coordinator
Student with Additional Needs
All students have the same curriculum entitlement, regardless of ability or need. We will ensure that students with special educational needs / EHCPs will receive the appropriate support.
Students are screened by using standardised test scores when they start at the Academy. We also look at reports from present or previous staff.
Individual programmes of study are created for each student and we set targets linked to the needs of individual students. We then monitor how the student performs against these targets.
We work closely with outside agencies who have involvement with young people and ensure that all of our students are supported in their individual needs, including the most able.
A team of support assistants help students either by working in the normal classroom setting, by withdrawing students in small groups, or by working individually with the student.
The school’s learning support unit COMPASS allows us to support students who find it hard for a variety of reasons to succeed in mainstream lessons. The intention is always to reintegrate these students as soon as possible.